Saturday, October 11, 2008

so i had a pretty great day today. We had a meting about vision for kids ministry and i am pretty sure this is the most i have never been this excited about an upcoming ministry opportunity . I am still working on the idea of ministering out of myself. Man it is so easy to fall into. Man, God has been tearing my heart up recently, in a good way. Like i was listening to "Jesus, YOu're my super hero" today in the car and i was near a silly kids song. I was also noticing the beauty of a song called "let the children come." Like just listening to "Jesus music" can be so good. I am also noticing how negative Christians can be. I think Jesus sees the way i and other christians act and he says "wow, they are missing th point. WHY CANT WE BE UPLIFTING PEOPLE WITHOUT IT BEING ODD. why cant i say to people..."wow, you are a really great person and i love the way you do things." Imagine how much people would want to be in the Christian world if we were people who made people feel happy that they were them. We tell people to be confident and know who they are in Christ but we don't speak to them like jesus would. We use this thing called sarcasm...which is satan's lies dressed up in comedy. He sems to be incredible at that. Look at the sins he's done it with..homosexuality, conventional mairrage, virginity before mairrage, what about going to hell (anybody thinking AC/DC on this one). Satan has taken positive speech and made it wierd so Christians beat each other up with their mouths. I beat people up with my mouth. Imagine how much more ppl would want to be around us if we were uplifting people. for those of you who are close to me, call me out on being negative because i want to change.

On a personal note, i made the mistake of drinking two coffees and a fountain soda at sheetz today and driving home i was physically shaking from my high caffine levels. Big mistake, i will never do that again. I started my training today and it was great. I am excited to work there and i hope to finally use my job for God and not just treat it like i hate it. (side note: i am amazed at the trash they show on TV, i am trying to relax and watch it and everything is really trashy, i am not one to complain about mild crap , its tv, but it really is bad like stuff i didnt even know they were allowed to show, the stuff that messes with your spirit) But yes life is really good right now and i am excited that God is teaching me stuff and i am letting him do it without my ife aving to be crazy. Please keep me in prayer. I apologizer for the incredble length of this blog

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