Saturday, January 24, 2009

What a handsome night

I was thinking about this a couple days ago so forgive me if it is awkwardly communicated. It was friday and it was 50 outside. I texted a friend and i said what a beautiful night and it got me to thing as to why we use feminine adjectives to describe natures beauty. think about it. You would never call a night handsome or rugged or any other male adjectives. No, we say things like beautiful, stunning, gorgeous. Maybe there is nothing to this, but maybe there is. Maybe the best way to describe beauty is to use female adjectiv4es because they are stronger. They touch the soul on a deeper level. maybe this can communicate something to women about how beautiful all of you really are. You are the pinnacle of creation. God's final and most complicated work. You are exquisite, so much so that we describe you and the beauties of nature in the same way. You, women, have the same complexity, the same mystery the same awe inspiring qualities about you that cause people to write poems and songs and stories and even some of the psalms. That beauty is yours, and yours to keep. Do you then see the danger when you give away your beauty to easily, when you dress in a way that invites people into your mystery and lets them share in it for free. Do you see the dangers in giving your vineyard away before it is the right person. You have an infinite complexity and holy beauty about you and it is not to be taken lightly. As SOS says, "My own vineyard is mine to give" when you do not take this responsibility seriously, it is a terrible thing. this is why giving yourself away easily never makes you feel less empty or more beautiful. Your beauty, your complexity, your mystery is yours and it is a gift from your creator who thinks you are wonderful. When you give this away and it is not returned to you in the way marriage returns it, it hurts. When you dress in a way that gives parts of your vineyard away, it hurts. None of these things help you in your quest to feel that your vineyard is enough. Every time yu do these things you are actually leaving less vineyard for yourself. If you have made mistakes in these areas, God will restore you if you want him too. It isn't a burden for him. in fact he wants to do it. He loves you so deeply that he wants to give you a new vineyard if you are not happy with how you have neglected yours. Please do not shrugg this off. It is not a side point but the whole point. thank you for reading this


1 comment:

SPADE said...

I don't mean to be stereotypical, but I think it is interesting how women seem to notice nature's beauty more quickly and readily than men. For instance, women seem to have more appreciation for sunsets, sunrises, flowers, cute little animals, etc. than most men.

Also interesting, God gave Adam the responsibility of watching over and caring for all the things that He (God) created. Your observation seems fitting to me because men also have a resonsibility to care for their wives and daughters.

God gave man the responsibility of watching over ad protecting the beauty of His creation. It seems to me that God has sees both as exceptionally beautiful and exceptionally valuable to Him.