Saturday, January 3, 2009

My focus this year

i have named my year. i am calling it the year of focus. i asked God in the beginning of the year to make me into the man i was afraid to be. i wasnt sure what that meant at the time but i am understanding it more. i am asking God to make me into the person i always mocked. the person who prioritizes well and has their life under control. i now admire that but in high school i kinda felt high and mighty i think because i didn't. So now, weather i have to or not i am going after excelllence. i have named 2009 the year of focus. i plan to expound on this as the year goes on and understand it more as i get into semester 2. i am so excited to really take life by the horns and start to be the person i should be and not the person i can be easily


Jason Fitch said...

Love it. If only more people came to that realization . . .

Shawna said...

hey addison- love this post.

would you read my latest post when you have a minute (it's called "announcing the young leader's union").

lana told me that you were talking about a similar group- is that the case? if it is, could we join forces and work together on it?
let me know what you think.