Thursday, January 22, 2009



You hold my every moment
You calm my raging seas
You walk with me through fire
And heal all my disease


I trust in You
I trust in You


I believe You're my Healer
I believe You are all I need
I believe You're my Portion
I believe You're more than enough for me
Jesus You're all I need

[Repeat Verse]

[Repeat Pre-Chorus}



Nothing is impossible for You
Nothing is impossible for You
Nothing is impossible for You
You hold my world in Your hands

I am listening to this song right now...I just watched the CNN story about him lying about having cancer. For those of you not familiar with the story let me bring you up to speed. The writer of the song wrote this song and along with it wrote a story. The story was of how he had cancer and the doctor told him to go home and die and he went home and penned these words. The song was his declaration that God was in control and held his ultimate destiny in his hand. Beautiful story. Tear jerking. Life changing. Awe inspiring. Wonderful. Unfortunately, it was fictional. The man had lied, supposedly to hide a pornography addiction I don't understand how that makes sense but hey, whatever. So now we are wondering about this song. It is beautiful and excellent and wonderful but has this thing attached to it. I heard someone say that the writer of the song needs to hear his own words now more than ever. Good point. He is in the biggest storm of his life right now. Is nothing impossible? what about now that the world thinks you're some horrible person? Does God hold your world in his hand? This is when these words matter. Not when things are great. anyone who isnt sick can eclare God their healer. That isn't faith. So let us all take these words and use them. Because they speak to all of our souls. Nothing is impossible for him. The bible says he is able to do immeasureably more than we can ask or imagine. WOW. Ler us hear the words of this man and ignore that Satan attacked him and he lost. In the end of the day, him faking a story might write a real one. A story of how God met him like Jacob. Jacob had decieved everyone and was left alone. Sound similar? Then Gos shows up and wrestles him. Jacob is injured. The author of healer will not get out of this uninjured. but then Jacob holds on and says to God, "I will not let you Go until you bless me." He ends up recieving the blessing of God and becoming the father of the twelve tribes. Mike G. (the author of the song) will hae to hold on and trust God. He will have to sing his own words. He will have to wrestle with God and limp away. But in the end of it all, there might be something beautiful. I would ask that you would agree with me in prayer that God would restore this man and give him a real story of God's blessing and excellent mercy. May He write the same stories in all of our lives.



Jason Fitch said...

Good thoughts. To continue with our discussion about "restoration" at Catalyst on Tuesday . . . when we pray for him to be restored, how would that look for him? Restored to a place where he loves himself enough to be truthful or restored to playing gigs to packed houses? I don't know the answer, just curious about the concept.

Charity said...

Michael Gungor?

jeremiah said...

"In the end of the day, him faking a story might write a real one."

I love this thought more than any other in this post which is very insightful, Addison.

The author's name is Michael Guglielmucci and I believe we should pray for his restoration on a personal level and let God restore his ministry if He chooses to.

Addison Roberts said...

yeah i didn't attempt his last name

Addison Roberts said...

to answer your question, i would like to see him restored to a place
where he loves himself enough to be truthful. My hope is that he has
another story to tell..a story of how God took him from his darkest
place and realy taught him what it meant to trust him as a healer. As
Jeremiah said, let God decide what to do with his ministry.