Saturday, December 27, 2008

Dressing up for Christmas

Its interesting that christians dress up for christmas eve services when it usually isnt their standard practice when coming to church. When one of my family members found out i was wearing jeans they said to me "its christmas eve." i dont understand the difference. i guess the idea is that it is a special holiday so we should treat it as such. this whole thing goes back to the other whole thing about dressing up in church at all. The tradition comes from the idea of respecting the presence of God and giving him your very best. i guess i understand that. But you can give your best in other ways than taking time to get dressed. An who is to say that that is the best style of worship for everyone. What if dressing up makes you attention hungry. What if it makes you prideful. Is it then the best way? I have also heard people say that i would dress up more for a date than for Jesus. Good point, but i will never have to for Jesus. We dress up on dates to impress and we cant imprss God. So what if we bring our informalities, our selves unaltered into God's house. Maybe more people would be honest with themselves and with others. Dressing up to me is putting on a show in some way. Its fun and people look at you different. It is necessary for some situations but not all. Worship to me is not one of those situations. Maybe God wants us to be organic and a alittle less processed. maybe god wants us to just be real. That is my defense for not dressing up for church. Although the real reason is probably laziness. thoughts on this matter would be interesting.

1 comment:

Shawna said...

totally get ya, addison. and thanks for your sweet words to jake and i. you are awesome.