Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sorry i didnt finish my previous post

i think my point was pretty well developed and i am not thinking on such things anymore...There is something i have been thinking about recently in terms of relationships. Why is it that we think not talking about things makes them go away. Example: One person likes another and they are super close as friends. she doesn't tell him for a while but then she tells him. He doesn't like her but he doesn't say that. Instead he spends some time trying to make himself like her. This doesn't work. So he ends up getting "I dont like you" dragged out of him kicking and screaming. Why do we do this crap to each other? Why not be straight forward. Rip off the bandaid. it hurts more immediatley but less in the end. And dont act all awkward about liking people. People are people and they like each other sometimes. It doesnt mean they want to marry you, they just may be interested. This isnt affecting me at all right now but i have been there before. It wasnt bad for me because the girl honestly wasnt sure. When she figured it all out we talked soon afterwards but i know guys who have been through this for years. It is usually guys. Guys will hold onto relationship hope if it is a string over a canyon...seriously. Girls, dont give guys even the slightest inkling and expect them to get the hint...they wont. They will hang on fo dear life...That is all on that.

Good day... i will seperate my other topic on another blog...i guess i ad more thoughts than i thought.

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