Sunday, December 7, 2008

All Your Promises WON'T Let Go of Me

I haven't blogged in a while. This has been an incredible month. I preached three or four times. All of them were awesome, especially the time at my youth group at home. I have a couple opportunities in December and January. The Eagles started out the month horrible but have woken up in December. Oh to today, and what a day it has been. I am thinking about the show the Bachelor. Any watchers? basically it is a show that takes 30 women and one man and puts them in a situation where 30 are competing for one. OH yeah, and the women live together. I have only ever watched finales. The last two. both are so sure that this guy is everything they have ever wanted. Both are sure, one is right. We often hear these stories. Two people, both so in love and married 30 years get asked how they met. A twinkle gets in their eye and they tell the whole story. Somewhere in there there is another person That isnt in the story long. He was the terrible relationship someone was in. The one that if they would have never gotten out of, they would have never found happiness. They were so sure he/she was the one but the real person for them was just a friend. Both are sure, the other and the story teller, one finds what they are looking for, in someone else, and it was meant to be, the other is left questioning emotions. These are our stories. Maybe not all of us. But too many of us can identify with Guy/ Girl number 2 on these reality shows. We go into the finale sure, but we dont get the last rose. These stories are great to hear but maybe we should think of number 2 a little more. Cause where are all of us twos left. We are left with the option of trusting God and the all to cliched Christian Relationship advice. I trust him but it is hard. I am not heart broken at all. But i find myself looking at this God i follow and asking him the next step. Married People that read this, i could use an "i was there once addison." This is a difficult season..please comment..battery running out...must stop...more tommorrow


Jason Fitch said...

I was there once addison. you never posted anymore.

Addison Roberts said...

i know.... i lied