Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Prayer 4-28

Philippians 2:5-8
“Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death— even death on a cross!”

God, I am really not sure why you seem to be having me reflect on this concept so much. Let me read this a couple times. So my attitude at all times should be the same as that of Jesus. Well how do I do that? What was he like? He was in very nature God. Down to his very nature he was God. He was GOD. He had all of the privileges of being God. He was a big deal. He could have drawn the attention of thousands had he proclaimed his godliness and shown his power. He could have been emperor and taken care to see that his name was recorded in History. He could have been the ultimate Rabbi. He could have been anything he wanted. He was God on earth. But he didn't consider equality with God something to be eagerly seized upon. WHAT!?!?! How does a person not seize an opportunity like that. If you don't take it somebody else will. Right? Well what did he do then? He made himself nothing......nothing. Nothing. What do you do with that? The God of Heaven and Earth making himself nothing. He could have been everything. He could have had everyone serving him by sheer force. Instead he chooses to be nothing and be a servant. He allowed himself to become man in appearance. That is significant. He was always God and he came in appearance as a man. One he became a man, He humbled himself in his obedience. He humbled himself by experiencing death. He was ABOVE and beyond death but he lowered himself and died. Just dying was an act of humility for God. He took it a step further and died a criminal's death. The next verse says that God exalted him above every other name and gave him the name above every name. This is Kingdom promotion. Those of us who would not eagerly grasp privileges or positions but would be humble and obedient to the plan o God will find ourselves promoted. The name above every name is taken but everything under that is pretty much open.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I tend to believe in people.

i am going through a weird week. I am home in New Jersey and i have mostly just chilled. I haven't really done everything of value. I guess that is wha a break is though. Anyway, i have done some thinking and i started to ask myself. What is "the real me"? People us that phrase all the time but what upsets me is what it refers to. It almost always refers to the bad in people. Like, well if you saw the way the real me acts you wouldn't think i was that great. Almost as if we are acting out of character when we are kind/generous/happy or positive. Why is this? What if the real me is that amazing person and when i act outside of myself i am acting mean or cruel. Like, we tell someone they seem confident or fun to be around and they tell us that if we knew the real them and saw all their insecurities or fears, we would want nothing to do with them. What if the rel them is when they are confident. What if somebody else is acting when they are hiding and scared. What if we started to call those times when we act like Jesus( whose image we are made in) what the real us is? seriously what would happen? I am not sure if it would create really overconfident people or just a much happier world. Your thoughts are appreciated.