Sunday, November 2, 2008

woo...what a weekend

this has been quite a weekend. it has been tiring but i ate a lot of great food. I am so happy with the awesome things God has allowed me to do as of late. Although at the same time i fell that i am not taking full advantage of all the awesome things God has given me. I mean i could be learning more from my classes and procrastinating less. i dont know i will never be perfect but i feel like i could be better. i am way to tired to process thoughts. I really need some peace and quiet. I am at the church but i want to leave kind of but i just want it to be quiet around me. like i said i am tired and i feel like i am on the verge of really snapping and offending someone. Lets just say i am glad i have tomorrow off because i need some addison time. ireally have nothing to write today. I am just done with this week and ready to get some serious rest.