Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I am absolutley enthralled with this band. They are so freaking good. I saw them in concert recently. One of there new songs is about beetles. Being interested in a fire....I think...they describe it as a great light. Anyway a couple lyrics interst me. Here they are I will add more later...

(Beetle king talking to children)

I'm sorry my children you've all been decieved
You've been calling me dad but your true dad's not me
I had sex with your mom and your form was concieved
But your fathers the life within all that you see...and he holds without arms and he speaks without sounds

Monday, July 21, 2008


I have mandatory overtime at my job ,and tonite we are staying until 1AM its all good though it will go by quick

Monday, July 7, 2008


Testing to see if this works


my beggining in blogging - July 7 2008

So this is my blog that i will try to update on the daily. i guess everyone tries that though. i mostly wrote this because i want people to know whats on my mind. Even though you might still have to ask. I have never really blogged before so i dont know whagt the standard length is or whatever. As far as my life goes right now. I am currently a disciple and a discipler at Gettysburg Master's Commission. It has been one heck of a crazy ride. i have gained some amazing friends and i have seen myself change. I honestly look in the mirror now and i see someone else. The eyes looking back at me seem less scared and more ready. More confident. Despite all this, sometimes I look at the world and situations around me and i look myself and i look at my Jesus and i ask him where he could possibly be evident in all this. But he is in everything and by him everything is made. Without him, nothing is. I love John 1. I love my Jesus and i will follow him. I just hate the season where he doesnt let us understand him. But i dont want to understand him. If i did, i wouldnt need him. As Sanctus Real says. "I'm not alright, thats why i need you..." I recently picked up Coldplay's Viva la Vida. I am very pleased with it. I like the title i think most. It is derived from the french revolution. This was where frenchman took back their country by forced from a ruling party that they believed no longer served there intrest. Side note:they asked america to help out in this revolution because they helped us in ours. America was split on the issue but we didnt end up helping out. They were pretty mad. Anyway, they would say "Viva la France" as they took their nation back. So viva la vida interest me. I find Christian truth in it. As you know "vida" means life and it is from the same route word as vitality and vital. "Vital organs" organs you need to live. So what if, as christians we began to take back our abundant life with the force of revolutionaries? what would that look lke? "Look Satan, i am tired of your oppressive rule and ownership and you are just not doing things right...i am taking my power back." Now Christianity creates this thing where we never really take control. We chose to let Jesus in and he brings about the revolution where he takes authority. So we are not gaining power for us, but to hand it over to the lord, a much better king that we know has our best interest at heart. So let us always keep the passion of revolutionaries. Daily choosing to follow the new leadership and keep the spirit of the revolution of the heart alive.
That is all